Swap Weather Contest
While we have cancelled the Bike Swap for 2020, we can still have a little fun.
We originally moved the Bike Swap a week later than its traditional date hoping for better weather.

AHBC Member Contest... "Guess the temperature and precipitation for 11AM for Saturday May 2nd"

Please submit your guess before 11:59PM on Wednesday April 22nd.

Temperature in degrees plus Clear/Rain Drizzle, Rain Hard, Snow Flurries, Snow hard.

Winner will receive a bicycle themed trinket from my collection and admiration of the club.
For a written list of rules,.... forget about that.... Guesses will be posted on the website around April 23rd.
For those who guessed weather for our traditional day.... April 25th at 11 AM is 45 degrees and raining.
Responses are listed in the reverse order received (first guesses at the bottom, most recent guesses at the top)

So are we optomistic? Who will have the best prediction?

May 2 at 11AM with a temperature of: Weather App 68
The Weather Channel 70
Accu Weather 72
Average of those 3 is 70.
Kris and Roger both guessed 65 while Rebecca guessed 77. The rest of the entries were less than 65.
So Roger wins a beautiful prize to be awarded from my bicycle junk drawer as his entry was earlier than Kris.

Don Ami : Now that we know that our original date will be traditional shit weather, I feel justified changing it. Of course nobody could have predicted covid. That said I believe May 2 will be 62 and overcast. Still not great but better than the original date.
Kris Sudrovich Ami : Forecast for Saturday (date of the original AHBC Swap) Windy, Cloudy, high 50 degrees with rain. Typical. We'll see what next Saturday brings, but bet it's nice weather. So for next Saturday I say 65 degrees, sunny, with a little wind.
Roger Hitchings : After a cool setup with temps at 47 degrees at 6 AM, the sunny sky will warm the tennis court to 65 degrees at 11 AM. As usual, winds of 15 mph from the northeast will make the conditions under the tents seem cool despite the solar heating of the courts. I assume you will be going to the park to take actual measurements.
Jack Thomas : Temp (in degrees F): 52 at 11AM. , Partly Cloudy (or partly sunny, you choose), no precipitation.
Francine Grossi : A chilly start to the day but will warm up nicely to 62 degrees, partly cloudy with a slight rain south of the city, but mainly dry in our area to give way for a beautiful spring like day. Mold count may be high as the trees are really starting to come into full bloom. To all the solo riders out there be safe!!
Dave Martin guesses 60 degrees (F) and sunny. How pathetic!
Elizabeth Berry : This is fun. 46 with light drizzle. Like what should be on a Cinnabun but quite the opposite.
Carol Ranachowski : Temp is 63 sunny no precipitation
Rebecca Frank : because we aren’t doing the swap this year, the weather will now be perfect! I say for May 2nd the weather will be: 77 degrees/Sunshine
Gene Zaworski : As I look into my crystal ball the weather for May 2ND is as follows: 57 degree temp with clouds rolling in at noon producing a lite rain
Kim Kemph : 50 and sunny
Karin Hribar : 55 degree high with hard rain. I say this so we won’t be disappointed that the SWAP was cancelled. Saved us from the weather.
Earle Horwitz: 45 degrees Rain.
Jack Lichtenauer: 54 and partly cloudy
Paula Matzek : 55 degrees, drizzle
Bill Kragh : Swap Weather 62 degrees and sunny
Janet Harlow : I am going to say it will be 64 degrees. sunny and no wind. a lovely spring day!
Tom Drabant: I think it will be 54 degrees and rain on May 2 at 1100.
Frank Bing : 56F, zero precip
Lynn Sakata : I'm predicting 52 degrees and cloudy News last modified: 4/16/2020