

Don Ami

Kris Ami

Mitch Polonsky

Dave Van Dornick

Chris Van Dornick

Al Gibbs

Dave Martin

Scott Schaedel


New Board Members – Paula Matzek, Vince/Jacki Kelley, Art Cunningham have been added to the Board. This will increase the voting base for future Board actions.


Arlington 500 (Don) – Preparations are underway. Don is still looking for volunteers.Thirty preregistrations have been received.


Bike Swap (Dave) – Dave describe procedures for operaiton of the swap. There are several differences this year based on previous experiences. The setup of the sales tables will be designed to allow better entry and exist security. Procedures for in-take, back office, and inventory control have been upgraded, also for better security. Friday night: prep electricity, tent setup, radios; test track setup on Saturday morning. Four bike shops will be providing bikes and accessories.