Heights Bicycle Club
Board Meeting
Minutes from September 22, 2010
The meeting
was called to order at 6:31 PM by President Al Gibbs. Board members in attendance were Al Gibbs, President; Christine
Van Dornick, Co-Ride Chair; Paula Matzek, Membership Chair and board member at
large; Scott Schadel, board member at large; and Debra Watson, board member at
large elect.
Paula gave
the member ship report. There are
currently 139 households and 183 individual members that include 28 new
households. This compares with 2009 at
128 households and 167 individuals.
Al gave the
Treasurers report. There is a current
total balance of $36,754 of which the checking account has approximately $2500
and the money market account with $34,260.
There is $2,000 that is budgeted for expenses related to the upcoming
Awards Banquet.
A nominating
committee was formed at the May 2010 board meeting consisting of Gary Gilbert,
Vince Kelley and Christine Van Dornick.
The committee met and discussed potential changes to the upcoming board. Al Gibbs is not returning as President and
Ron McPheron has indicated that he
would not continue as the
Treasurer. Vince Kelley volunteered for
the nomination for President and Al Gibbs volunteered to be the Treasurer. The slate of officers for 2011 is: Vince Kelley for President, David and
Christine Van Dornick for Vice-Presidents and Ride Chairs, Ford Sakata for
Secretary, and Al Gibbs for Treasurer.
The Board Member at Large on the slate: Paula Matzek, Debra Watson, and
Scott Schadel. Nominations can be made
to the existing Board Members until the next meeting (October 2010) when the
General Membership will be asked to vote to approve the slate above. Any existing member can be nominated for
the Board.
Paula updated
the board on the Awards Banquet. The
date is November 6, 2010, at La Tapas in Arlington Heights. The Board discussed the proposed menu for
the banquet and the cost to members and non-members. The board decided on a cost of $15.00 for members and $35.00 for
non-members. Paula will distribute
details to the membership via the website.
The board
discussed the current amount of donations that had been made. The AHBC had donated $2,300 to five
organizations for 2010 and donated $2,200 to the Arlington Heights Senior
Center for the purchase of an exercise bicycle. A donation of $250 was made to defray costs for the Ride of
Silence. The board approved an
additional amount to be donated of $1,500 for the 2010 year.
The board
meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM. The General Membership meeting followed.
Christine Van Dornick
Acting Secretary