AHBC Board Meeting



Al Gibbs

Scott Schaedel

Chris and Dave Van Dornick

Gary Gilbert

Mitch Polonsky

Dave Martin

Vince Kelly

Laurie Larson

Ford Sakata


Membership (Al)

There are 125 household and 63 individual members for a total of 188 paid members as of the meeting date.


Treasury (Mitch)

No change since the September meeting


AHBC Name Change Registration (Mitch)

Nothing has been done.


Jersey Redesign (Laurie)

Laurie contacted the EBC (Evanston Bike Club) designer about interest in designing our jersey. No interest was shown. A suggestion was made to contact Tom Wilson for design services and recommendations regarding potential vendors for production. A suggestion was made to weigh quality in the selection, not just the least cost vendor. The design would leverage elements of the existing jersey but with different treatment and colors.


Bike Swap Proposal (Dave Martin)

The next bike swap will be held on 4/24/2010. Dave Martin would like to automate bike tagging, checkout and accounting through the use of bar coded tags, scanners, and a wireless network tied into an inventory database. This would require purchase of weatherproof equipment, including printers and scanners. Costs for hardware would require Board approval. No formal action was taken on the proposal.


Disclaimer consistency on Sign Up Sheets and Membership Forms (Chris V.)

Chris is communicating on this issue with the attorney.